Our approach
We market software & apps through partnerships we have with other software publishers and websites that use our platform.

By integrating our platform, these marketing partners can generate meaningful incremental monetization, particularly for free or trial users.

Our approach
We market software & apps through partnerships we have with other software publishers and websites that use our platform.

By integrating our platform, these marketing partners can generate meaningful incremental monetization, particularly for free or trial users.

Our approach
We market software & apps through partnerships we have with other software publishers and websites that use our platform.

By integrating our platform, these marketing partners can generate meaningful incremental monetization, particularly for free or trial users.

Offers in installers

Offers in installers

Offers in installers

Web-based placements

Web-based placements

Web-based placements

Our offers are made in our marketing partners' Windows installers during software installation.

Our offers are made in our marketing partners' Windows installers during software installation.

Our offers are made in our marketing partners' Windows installers during software installation.

Users are presented with web-based offers on our marketing partners' software and content websites.

Our www.download.io website also provides valuable content to consumers and promotes the applications of our software developer partners.

Users are presented with web-based offers on our marketing partners' software and content websites.

Our www.download.io website also provides valuable content to consumers and promotes the applications of our software developer partners.

Users are presented with web-based offers on our marketing partners' software and content websites.

Our www.download.io website also provides valuable content to consumers and promotes the applications of our software developer partners.